9:41 AM

July 26, 2008...it started out just like any other Saturday. We had plans to go see X-files with the Lucus crew. Then I had a great idea to go to Petaluma and look at houses since that is my new hobby. While in Petaluma we stopped at Flippers Gourmet Burgers for lunch. When we sat down I mentioned to Corey I was three days late. We both didn't think anything of it because the prior month I was also 3 days late. Then we started joking around with each other about what if I was. But I kept saying "but I don't feel pregnant." But sitting at lunch I started to get a hunch that maybe I was. So when we got home we went to Lucky's and bought some vegge's and an EPT. Although they say results are better in the morning I couldn't wait. Once I did my business in the bathroom I expected to wait 3 minutes like the directions said. So I opened the door yelled out to Corey that I took the test. As he was walking down the hall I turned to watch the stick only to find that it already said "PREGNANT"

Heather "Oh my God, Oh my God"
Corey "What"
Heather hands Corey the stick
Corey "well wait three minutes like it says."
Heather "this IS the result"
Corey "Really" with the biggest smile on his face while hugging me

So I really wasn't expecting to see those words, so I went from shocked to scared to excited in 3.4 seconds. I still couldn't believe it so I took another test this morning to excitedly have the same results. So it looks like we are going to have a spring baby.

Since I want to tell everyone, but know I shouldn't, I have created this blog so when I finally share the good news you all can experience the first few months in words. 

Right now I am about 4 weeks since they count from the first day of my last period. Only 250 more days to go.  The only symptoms I have had are a few headaches, peeing a lot, but pooping less. Oh let the fun begin.