Today I started baby plus. What's that you ask? Well it's suppose to be a prenatal education system. Being a teacher I thought what the heck, It can't hurt, can it? Basically it's a plastic contraption that makes a thumping sound. It's suppose to help your baby be more alert, and calm. So let the learning begin

8:25 PM

Here is my 16 week belly. I'm starting to get uncomfortable. My back hurts, my belly hurts, my ribs hurt. Oh the joys of getting fat.

8:32 PM

Yesterday we went in for an ultrasound at one of  these up and coming boutique ultrasound places. They say they can tell the sex of the baby at 15 weeks. So I went there exactly at 15 weeks to find out what I was having. I was a little skeptical but once there I was very excited. It was so great to see the heartbeat and all the little body parts. After checking several times the lady told me with great certainty we are having a girl. Ever since then  I have been seeing pink and imagining all the fun dress up time.