
8:51 PM

I'm half way there. I am now 21 weeks along with 19 more weeks to go. We are getting very excited for Kaylee. I just had my 20 week dr. appointment and everything looks good. My AFP test (tests for chromosomal defects and tubal defects)  came back negative and my ultra sound looks normal. That was good news and one more thing to be thankful for. 

I now weigh 136 pounds (thats with all my clothes on and my big cloggy shoes) That means I have gained about 14 pounds so far. About 9 of those pounds happened in the last month. I guess ice cream sandwiches and pumpkin creme brule every night don't help the situation. 

Corey took a half day to go to the Dr. with me and I don't think he will go back again until the baby is born. The Dr. talked me into getting a flu shot. Do you know how much I hate needles? It seems I have had to get poked every Dr. appointment this far. The funny thing is the nurse made Corey get a flu shot too. He tried so hard to get out of it but she wasn't having it. We were both acting like little babies. It was quit comical. All in all, it didn't hurt that much but our arms are still sore. Hopefully we won't get the flu. 

Today Corey finally felt Kaylee move. It kind of freaked him out. It was also the first time I felt her from the outside. It's a very weird but exciting feeling. She must have liked the ice cream sandwich I just ate. She'll probably be a dessert girl, like me. 

7:51 AM

I can finally feel her moving inside of me. Corey is annoyed that he still can't feel her from the outside. I keep telling him to be patient.  

7:52 PM

Here is my 19 week bump. It's so much cuter when I have clothes covering it. 

4:01 PM

Today we had our ultrasound with the technician. She confirmed we are indeed having a girl. Here is Kaylee Brielle waving and saying hello to us. Most importantly she is growing and everything looks good. At first she was sitting criss cross apple sauce (a teacher term for sitting indian style) and we didn't think we would find out. She finally started to cooperate and 45 minutes later she opened her legs (she better stay that stubborn for the boys). We also saw her get the hiccups, which was super cute. My favorite thing she did today was play with her feet. She kept tapping her foot with her hand. It was like she was playing patty cake with her foot.