We are so excited for Kaylee's first Christmas. Here a few of her Santa Pictures. She actually really liked him. It will probably be next year  that she screams her head off. Merry Christmas everyone. We hope you all celebrate with the 3 F's. Family, food, and fun. 

Yay, she likes him!
Kaylee checking him out making sure he's real.
Handing her over to the big guy. 

Kaylee got to attend her very first birthday party. Our good friends son turned 3 and had his birthday at Build - A - Bear. It was such a fun party and Kaylee will remember it for years to come because she got to make a Frosty that lights up and makes sound. She loves it! Thanks Tristin for inviting us to your awesome party.

Having a good ol' time at Build A Bear.

Kaylee, Daddy, and her first build a bear, Frosty the light up snowman.

Tristin and his friends having so much fun acting like frogs.
Happy Birthday Tristin.
Kaylee's first party.

7:28 PM

Kaylee and her two bottom teeth.
"Do these pants make my butt look big?"

Moving and grooving

Daddy's 8 month old monkey.
Mommy's monkey trying to escape the picture

Kaylee is now 8 months old and on the move. She doesn't sit still for anything which makes taking our monthly pictures very difficult now. 

Q: How many teeth does she have?
A. 2 bottom teeth, 1 eye tooth and another trying to come out

Q: What is your favorite thing about Kaylee getting teeth?
A. Her smile is so cute now

Q. What do you like least about Kaylee getting teeth?
A. She is a bit of a drama queen during the day because her mouth hurts.

Q: What is something cute that she has begun to do?
A. When I ask where Mushu is, she looks around until she finds her and then starts giggling.

Q: What is one thing that has surprised you about Kaylee in the last month?
A. She was super excited to meet Santa and loved him. She wouldn't stop smiling for him, and even got sad when we had to leave.

Q: What is something that Kaylee is trying to accomplish?
A. Sleeping through the night, taking longer naps (still), and crawling on all 4s rather than scooting everywhere.

9:11 PM

Kaylee at the end of her 7 month birthday...getting ready for bath time

Daddy's and Kaylee monthly self portrait.
Mommy and Kaylee monthly pic. She is getting so big.

Time just keeps on ticken ticken ticken!!! Kaylee is already 7 months old today. She weighs 17lbs 14 oz. and is 26 inches long. She is scooting all over the place army style. She loves to go after mushu toys, remote controls, phones, computers and paper. She can grab bits of food and feed herself, although she doesn't always make it in her mouth. She likes to watch World Music and Baby Neptune in the Baby Einstein series. She loves to swing at the park, bang on the drums in music class, and watch me blow bubbles outside. Her favorite game is peek-a-boo and it makes her laugh so hard. She still doesn't like to sleep through the night and she gets really sad whenever I leave the room... to the point where she screams and screams until I return. I can't seem to get anything done lately. Each stage keeps getting more fun and I am loving every minute of it.

9:00 PM

We went to a baby's first Halloween party with some of the family's from my mom's group. We had a great time playing and eating and getting to know the dads.

All the dad-e-os with their little ons

The Petaluma mom's group
Our family costume. The Simpsons!

10:18 PM

go here and vote for Kaylee in the Pumpkin Patch Photo contest http://www.babygizmo.com/vote/index.php And if you want email to all your friends, post it on facebook and twitter whatever you want. We just want to win!!!!

9:55 PM

This weekend Kaylee got to hang out with all her cousins while mommy and daddy went to a wedding and had a night out to ourselves at the overly crowded Disneyland. It was still great to see all our friends and family while we were down in So. Cal for a short trip.

Kaylee, Lola, Mason, baby Nolan, Jack, and Rylan. The last time we did this Kaylee was in my tummy.

One thing I looked forward to as a mom was doing holiday activities with Kaylee. The first one being taking her to a pumpkin patch. Although I thought it would be more for me, she absolutely loved hanging out with all the pumpkins. Here are a few of our favorites. 

picking her pumpkin
hanging with the pumpkins in the wheelbarrow 
pumpkin munchkin
The perfect pumpkin

9:21 PM

It's hard to believe that my little pumpkin is 6 months old already. Time just seems to go by faster and faster each month. Kaylee is now eating several varieties of fruits and veggies. She is sitting up on her own, but sometimes tumbles over and gets real upset. She just started to figure out how to scoot forward...does this mean crawling is right around the corner??? She can roll over both ways with ease now. She is learning how to sooth herself to sleep at night but still isn't good at taking naps. That's why it's hard for mommy to get anything done during the day. She has started kindermusik and loves loves loves it. She gets so excited when the drums come out. She loves to babble... I think she gets that from her grandma. She also enjoys hanging out in the stroller while mommy does stroller strides every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Kaylee still doesn't like strangers and it makes me sad when someone holds her and she starts crying. She is growing and changing so much everyday.

hanging out in her hand me down Roxy cargo pants.
Trying to crawl to daddy's camera but getting real frustrated
6 month mommy and me picture
6 month Kaylee and daddy self portrait.

9:34 AM

Kaylee went on a swing all by herself and loved it!

Well Kaylee went swimming for the first time. She wasn't that in to it but dealt with it.

10:04 AM

Kaylee turnes 5 months today. What a fun stage it is. She is now rolling over. Only from her tummy to her back. She is now eating rice cereal and peas. Boy does she love her  food. She likes to play with Mushu or should I say grab chunks of fur from her. Mushu loves to drop toys on her thinking she will throw them instead they go straight into her mouth. Yes it's gross but building her immune system. She still doesn't like to sleep alone but we are working on that. 

9:33 PM

Today almost everyone showed up for our moms group so we had to get a shot of all the babies. They range from 5 1/2 months to a month old. Kaylee definitely has the biggest head of them all. 

9:09 PM

Well the doctor gave us the thumbs up to feed Kaylee some rice cereal. We didn't know how she would do, but we gave it a try this past weekend. And she LOVED it. I don't think she could get it in her mouth fast enough. 

Kaylee loves to already feed herself too. 

Happy Babies

Kaylee with her typical wide open eyes and Avi with his ham it up smile...so darn cute!

Avi and Riley came over today. They are changing so much. Avi is sitting up and rolling over and is cute as ever. Kaylee wasn't so sure about him at first, especially because he was playing with her toys. Eventually she got use to it. Riley is no longer an infant and is growing so tall, unfortunately she slept most of the time so we will have to wait until next time to play with her. 

6:33 PM

Kaylee spent her 4 month birthday down in Newport beach having a blast. She is getting so big. Today we went to the dr. and she weighed in at 16.5 pounds. That makes her in the 90th percentile still. She is 24.5 inches long which is just average for her age.  

Things she loves: outside, books, Sophie the giraffe, standing (with help of coarse), music and lights, baths, anything she can put in her mouth.

Things she doesn't like so much: naps, shots, putting clothes on

Things she is starting to do: while on tummy time she scoots her body around, she holds her bottle on her own, sleeping through the night, turn pages in her books

Things we are waiting for her to do: roll over

10:38 PM

Kaylee and great grandma
My talented great uncle... he's so much fun!
He's such a natural. Maybe he will teach me some kung fu moves when I get older
My great uncle James is awesome

10:04 PM

Here are some pictures of Kaylee taking her first shower. I don't know why Corey captures the cutest pictures of her when she is naked and in water?

10:00 PM

Here are some pictures from an amazing family vacation down in Newport Beach. 

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11:06 AM

Yesterday we went to a local assisted living home down the street to do a intergenerational music class. What an amazing experience. Kaylee was such a hit with all the ladies. I decided that this would be the perfect place to wear her tutu that grandma bought her. Well Kaylee in the tutu was REALLY a hit. We plan on signing up for the 10 week class that starts in the fall. Kaylee loved all the dance and music activities and actually started crying when it was over. We even met a new friend. His name is Miles and he is the cutest little boy.