7:16 PM

Continuing with the holiday spirit, here are my two girls. I can't believe I pulled this off. Between a hyper dog and a toddler I thought it would be impossible. Well sometimes luck is on your side and the world decides to cooperate. There are so many technical and composition aspects that could be better, but if I would have kept messing with f-stop and shutter speed I would not have captured the pure joy of Kaylee laughing at Mushu being miserable.

7:50 PM

Trimming the tree

10:00 PM

A runner up for the day.

9:59 PM

My own personal SuperMan!

Daily Weekley started out as a blog about my pregnancy and then about Kaylee and all her antics. Well this blog is taking on a new challenge. This will now feature my project 365 . A picture a day for a whole year. Now for those of you that have followed Corey this past year I know have started to get sad because the year is winding down. Well he has passed the torch to me. The sad thing is I'm not a good photographer and I'm not a good writer, so don't expect much from my 365. I half heartedly decided to do this the day after Thanksgiving so when it ends next year I'll be "thankful" it's over. So let the journey begin.

Day 1 of 365
My new friend for the next year, my Nikon D50.

9:06 PM

There are so many things I want to remember Kaylee saying. I keep saying I will write them down and then I never do. So what better way then to blog it.

Today's Kayleeism happened when we gave her apple juice for the first time and when it was all done she said "more more apple goose" we corrected her and said it's apple JUICE. She proceeded to tell us no it's apple goose.

Another funny one was at bedtime we told her to get a book and she wanted us to read " L fint butt" other wise known as "The Gas We Pass."

Stay tuned for more Kayleeisms