8:54 PM

Well this blog started out as something to keep far away family informed on my pregnancy, then I used it for when Kaylee was a baby, then it was for my 365 project, and now I'm back to blogging about my new pregnancy. I'm a little late to the game this time around but better late then never. I'm 17 weeks along and feeling pretty darn good. A few things about this pregnancy so far is that I was so sick for 10 strait weeks morning, noon, and night which really sucked. We've had 4 ultrasounds so far. At 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 13 weeks and 15 weeks. I still have not heard his heart beat but have seen it on 3 of the u.s. My 13 week one the tech thought it was a boy and then it was confirmed at an elective gender determination u.s. I kind of thought that since this pregnancy was so different then with Kaylee. Kaylee has already decided his name is Baby Beef and no other names will do. Another very exciting time in our life is now beginning. Thanks for coming along on this journey with us.

8:42 PM

a walk in the fog.

8:34 PM

Well it's been two wonderful years since we got the keys to our first home. The home is not perfect. It still needs a lot of work, but we've created so many memories here that it doesn't matter if I don't have granite counter tops or hardwood floors throughout . This is where we brought Kaylee home, it's where she rolled over for the first time, it's where she sat up for the first time, crawled for the first time, walked for the first time, peed in the potty for the first time. It's the place where our family began and that means something to me.

4:40 PM

My tribute picture to John Hughes. This is from one of the many scenes in 16 Candles.

9:32 PM

Kaylee listening to the sound of the drum.
Drum circle with the wonderful and talented Mz. Marianne.

10:07 PM

Another Bench Monday (flickr group) shot. This time I decided to wear much cuter shoes.

9:43 PM

Inspired by a photo of Tupac taken by David LaChapelle

Mine is a bit more cheesy.

8:46 AM

Today was Dahlia's 2nd birthday. Here she is playing in her room. I love the lighting that shines through her windows.

9:55 PM

So google says it's national hug day. Since Mushu doesn't get as much attention as she once did I decided to show her a little love tonight. Now go and hug someone or something.

7:32 AM

Another Flickr Group Roulette theme: Lights, lamps, and candles. I chose to use this IKEA lamp we have had forever. Makes for a nice soft lighting look, but for actually lighting a room so you can see what you are doing, it SUCKS. Our goal for this weekend is to get some decent lighting in our bedroom. FINALLY!

7:27 AM

Flickr group roulette (FGR) had a theme today that was called Love of Money. Kaylee loves finding money and putting it in her piggy bank. She even knows the difference between a penny and a quarter. Now we just need to work on dime and nickel. Anyway she is saving up for our Disneyland trip hopefully planned for April.

7:24 AM

Taking after Grandpa Jeff as an artist. Here she is painting on a glass window at the Discovery museum, which made for a pretty awesome reflection.

8:49 PM

This was for Bench Monday (a flickr group). It was a foggy day here in Petaluma but Kaylee insisted we go to the park. We had nothing else to do so why not. If I knew I would have been taking this shot I would have wore cuter shoes. Maybe next Monday I'll try it again.

8:46 PM

What a ridiculous picture, but I didn't know what else to do. Here I am interpreting the dream I had the other night. Yeap I dreamed I had a storm trooper baby. The weird thing is I don't even like star wars.

8:43 PM

The sun finally came out in Petaluma, so we went on a long walk. These are the fields behind our neighborhood. We love walking back here because it is so peaceful. If you look closely you can see the cows in the back ground. Sometimes they come up to the fence and Kaylee likes to moo at them.

8:41 PM

Bath Time

1:16 PM

Magazine Face... flickr group roulette's assignment for the day. This is my favorite one so far because I actually look like a super model. I really hate having pictures taken of me, so this was a fun one for me.

1:34 PM

This little piggy. Today's flickr group roulette was 70's style so I figured nothing screams 70's like shag carpet. I couldn't get a good shot of myself on the carpet so I went with this one.

9:28 PM

Be still

10:04 PM

Play time with Kaylee! Today's flickr group roulette is red, white, and blue. Another reason to use the red wall for a back ground.

9:55 PM

There was a small group of us at the school that I use to work at that were all pregnant at the same time. It was something that brought us all closer. I really don't know what I would have done if I did not have these ladies for support and advice. We continue to get together for play groups and mommy time. All our babies are turning two this year. Today we celebrated Avi's birthday and although I got a bunch of cute pictures of all the kiddo's I decided to use this one in honor of the birthday boy. Happy 2nd Birthday Avi.

1:33 PM

Not really into this whole 365 thing today. I had a lot of photography fails today that has brought me down a bit.

1:31 PM

Hiding from the boogie man.

11:00 PM

This is me completely frustrated. I decided to put all my 365 pictures on flickr and it made me want to pull out my hair. I will keep posting on here as well for those that don't use flickr (mom).

9:24 PM

It's the end of the day and all I wanted to do was watch Dexter but I needed to get my shot. Here it is... Mushu sleeping. Good night.

11:30 PM

Back in the swing of things. We are back from vacation, the holidays are over, Kaylee is feeling better, and finally eating again. Mmmmm spaghetti!!!!

11:20 PM

It was a long drive home. We took the scenic rout up the 101 vs. the strait shoot up the 5 freeway. Not because we wanted to but because we had to, due to weather. We saw lots of pretty scenery on our journey home and this is the picture I captured. The first tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.

9:13 PM

Here it is the last day up in Big Bear and it starts to lightly snow. This is the first time I have ever seen it snow, so I wanted to take it in. My original shot would have been much better then this but I wasn't in focus, so this one will have to do.

9:07 PM

It's the first day of 2011 and we started it out by going tubing. Hopefully the rest of the year will be filled with just as much fun.

8:01 AM

Happy New Year. I really need to find a way to hide the remote better. Maybe that will be my next photography lesson.

7:55 AM

Finally up in Big Bear and spending time with family. Nothing like a little cuddling from Grandpa. I realize I enjoy taking pictures of others rather then trying to take pictures of myself. I went out in the snow and took a self portrait, but liked this photo better.