6:19 PM

Corey got his test results back today. He is not a carrier of cystic fibrosis. So the chances our baby will have it are very low to none. One less thing to worry about.

6:22 PM

Some of my cravings have been chocolate milk and hamburgers especially from Taylor's Automatic Refresher in Napa(as pictured). Yes it's far but worth the drive. I also will settle for McDonalds french fries and BBQ sauce. 

8:40 PM

My pants are getting very very tight. No more size 2.... ever again. So sad.

7:18 PM

It's like this automatic alarm clock inside my bladder. Every night I wake up at 12:00 to pee. Then again at 3:00 and then I try to hold it again until 5:30 when I finally have to get up for the day. Sometimes I'm not so lucky. Everyone says it only gets worse the further along I get. Well I'm ready to get me a 6 month supply of depends. That way I don't have to get out of bed and sit on the toilet thinking about names and nursery colors and college savings accounts and OMG will I let my child drive at 16 or will I make them wait until they are 28 and finally responsible. What if they date someone I hate? So these questions wouldn't be so bad if they went down the toilet with everything else when I was done... but no they continue until I lay awake all night and can't go back to sleep until 2:50 a.m. Only to have the alarm throbbing in my bladder again at 3:00 a.m. So I guess to save my sanity I will start wearing depends.

This thing growing inside of me is already teaching me a thing or two. Besides patience and positive thinking it's teaching me to get over my fears. I have always feared needles and have avoided them at all costs. Well my unborn child is quickly telling me to get over that fear. Blood tests and RhoGam shots all in the first trimester. It's only just begun. I guess now that I am going to be a mom I can't cry, pass out, or punch the dr. when it comes to needles anymore. 

Today I had to get a RhoGam shot since I was bleeding yesterday from my ultrasound. I am RH negative and was told that it could be dangerous for my baby if it's RH positive. So off I went to Kaiser all by myself to get the shot. The nurse was great and I actually didn't feel much. It's all about the anticipation I guess. 

Today was our first dr. appointment. I was so nervous and scared but very excited. They did an ultrasound and we got to see the heartbeat. She said it was a strong one. That made me feel so much better. 

7:08 PM

So today I found out from the genetics counselor at Kaiser that I am a carrier of  cystic fibrosis. It's not a big deal if Corey is not a carrier, but if he is then there is a 1 and 4 chance our child will have cystic fibrosis. He will get tested on Monday and find out the results about 2 weeks later. We'll just hope for the best. It's already written and in God's hands so I am not going to stress about it. 

8:24 PM

So I haven't kept up to date on this blog thing.  For a few reasons. One I have been super tired and this is the last thing I want to do when I come home from dealing with a classroom full of kids. 2nd I am scared that this pregnancy is a figment of my imagination because I don't feel pregnant. No morning sickness and I feel really good. 3rd I am waiting until next monday to see the heartbeat and make sure everything is  a.o.k.  Until then....my fingers are crossed.