This thing growing inside of me is already teaching me a thing or two. Besides patience and positive thinking it's teaching me to get over my fears. I have always feared needles and have avoided them at all costs. Well my unborn child is quickly telling me to get over that fear. Blood tests and RhoGam shots all in the first trimester. It's only just begun. I guess now that I am going to be a mom I can't cry, pass out, or punch the dr. when it comes to needles anymore. 

Today I had to get a RhoGam shot since I was bleeding yesterday from my ultrasound. I am RH negative and was told that it could be dangerous for my baby if it's RH positive. So off I went to Kaiser all by myself to get the shot. The nurse was great and I actually didn't feel much. It's all about the anticipation I guess. 

1 Response to "lessons from a fetus"

  1. Mom Says:

    You are a big girl now and I am proud of you. I'm sure I had something to do with your fear of needles. Sorry! Sometimes we pass things onto our children, that we really don't mean to. Mom

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