10:03 PM

She is becoming more entertaining everyday. Today we danced to some silly songs about animals and pretzels and one eyed monsters. She was having so much fun and laughing but the minute I turned on the camera to catch the moment she would give me a dirty look. What is up with that? Maybe she is camera shy. So the only picture I got of her is this one. It's not the best because I took it with my iphone but you can see her emerging giggles. 

She also stayed alone with daddy for a bit tonight while I went out to buy some paint. It was very cute because when I got home she was breaking out of her swaddle and I noticed she didn't have anything under it. Daddy said he couldn't find her PJ's so he just skipped putting clothes on her all together. What a classic daddy moment.

1 Response to "8 weeks old"

  1. kelita123 Says:

    so cute! she's smiling and laughing! i'd love to hear the song about pretzels. and that outfit is really darling. i love the daddy story. when matt bathes dahlia he gets to pick her outfit...and it's not always good (but he thinks it is).

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