9:21 PM

It's hard to believe that my little pumpkin is 6 months old already. Time just seems to go by faster and faster each month. Kaylee is now eating several varieties of fruits and veggies. She is sitting up on her own, but sometimes tumbles over and gets real upset. She just started to figure out how to scoot forward...does this mean crawling is right around the corner??? She can roll over both ways with ease now. She is learning how to sooth herself to sleep at night but still isn't good at taking naps. That's why it's hard for mommy to get anything done during the day. She has started kindermusik and loves loves loves it. She gets so excited when the drums come out. She loves to babble... I think she gets that from her grandma. She also enjoys hanging out in the stroller while mommy does stroller strides every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Kaylee still doesn't like strangers and it makes me sad when someone holds her and she starts crying. She is growing and changing so much everyday.

hanging out in her hand me down Roxy cargo pants.
Trying to crawl to daddy's camera but getting real frustrated
6 month mommy and me picture
6 month Kaylee and daddy self portrait.

1 Response to "half a year old"

  1. Ryan, Lori, & Jack Says:

    I love the pic of her sitting up. It's gone by way to fast.

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