9:37 PM

Well now that Kaylee is 1 she keeps me pretty busy. By the time I get around to wanting to post something I am so tired. She is walking all around and exploring her world. Which means lots of tantrums when I don't let her stick cords in her mouth or put fingers in light sockets (yes I have baby proofed but somehow she still finds the most dangerous things to play with). She is talking up a storm. Some things she just repeats and other things she really understands. Like today when I was boiling water she kept saying "hot, hot, HOT," from her high chair. Even the doctor was impressed with how much she was talking. 

On a bit of a scarier note she had to have some blood work done at her last drs. appointment. That was both traumatic for me and her. We still don't have the test results back so I am still walking around a bit nervous. The test were to check her hormone levels at least that is what the dr. told me. But once I got to the lab they took 5 vials of blood from my baby girl. Makes me wonder if they are testing for other things that the dr. didn't mention to me. None the less it is still scary to think something may be wrong with your precious little girl. 

She is now 30 inches tall, and weighs 22 pounds 14 oz. Not as chubby as she looks.

Here is Kaylee singing E I E I O
Here is Kaylee saying night night, etc.

Here is Kaylee telling me she wants to eat

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