7:18 PM

It's like this automatic alarm clock inside my bladder. Every night I wake up at 12:00 to pee. Then again at 3:00 and then I try to hold it again until 5:30 when I finally have to get up for the day. Sometimes I'm not so lucky. Everyone says it only gets worse the further along I get. Well I'm ready to get me a 6 month supply of depends. That way I don't have to get out of bed and sit on the toilet thinking about names and nursery colors and college savings accounts and OMG will I let my child drive at 16 or will I make them wait until they are 28 and finally responsible. What if they date someone I hate? So these questions wouldn't be so bad if they went down the toilet with everything else when I was done... but no they continue until I lay awake all night and can't go back to sleep until 2:50 a.m. Only to have the alarm throbbing in my bladder again at 3:00 a.m. So I guess to save my sanity I will start wearing depends.

1 Response to "depends"

  1. Mom Says:

    OK, now you know how I feel, but i only get up once or twice a night. Isn't it fun. You belly is still very little. That will soon change. Love, Mom

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