10:39 AM

Becoming a mother has brought out emotions I never thought I had or could have. It's such an amazing experience. Everytime I think of Kaylee getting older tears come to my eyes because I want her to stay this perfect, innocent, amazing little baby. For the first time in my life I am not looking for the next phase. I am actually savoring every moment. What I once thought was important no longer is. I just want to sit and look into my daughters eyes all day long.

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9:21 PM

What better way to spend a Saturday then with family and food. Corey and I packed up the stroller with all the ingredients for a picnic. We finally used the LucusFilm picnic bag (Corey's company Christmas gift). We enjoyed sandwiches, pasta salad, and chips while Kaylee had her 5th serving of some yummy milk. Mushu ended up with a few scraps here and there. She didn't mind because she got to play fetch for a long time. 

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6:02 PM

Today Kaylee turned two weeks old. It seems like she has been in this world with us a bit longer. We spent the day sleeping, eating, pooping, peeing, and we even went out into the beautiful day and took Mushu for a walk. That made her smile. 

3:27 PM

Kaylee is only 13 days old yet I feel she is growing up way to fast. Last night her umbilical cord fell off and she has the cutest little inny/ outy belly button. It's crazy how time is so distorted when you become a mom. I look at pictures of me pregnant and it seems like so long ago. Yet it was only two weeks ago. I kind of miss having Kaylee inside of me, don't get me wrong I love her more out here in the real world. Especially when I look over and see her precious little face sleeping. Back to the time warp...sometimes I have to stop and think what day is it? I sleep in 2 to 3 hour increments and day blends into night. It feels like eons ago I was in the hospital pushing for an hour and half wondering when I will get to hold my baby. I can only imagine how it will be from here on out. In a blink of an eye she will be in kindergarten. Then another blink and she will be driving, then still another blink she will be off to college. So I will go with this time warp thing and enjoy every second I have with this bundle of love.

finding no umbilical cord when changing her diaper. She was sad it was gone too.

10:01 PM

Sweet Dreams 
Family portrait

Happy Girl

Today Kaylee is one week old. I can't believe that just one week ago we were in the hospital recovering from an exhausting day. This week has gone by so fast. Before I know it I will have to be planning her first birthday. 

4:36 PM

Grandpa and Grandma the day Kaylee was born. They came up and waited for her arrival for several days. They were super excited to finally get to hold her.

Grandma Ying Ying

Aunty Moo came from Southern California to meet Kaylee when she was 5 days old.

9:50 PM

Mushu is getting use to Kaylee. I am surprised to see that she is doing pretty good with getting use to her and her cries. She likes to sniff at her and all her blankets. She is also very protective of her.

10:11 PM

This is no joke, Kaylee Brelle Weekley joined the world on April 1st, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and is 20.5 inches long. My labor lasted 7.5 hours from the time my water broke until she arrived. I pushed for 1.5 hours which was way longer then I expected. I had an amazing midwife that helped me deliver without any pain medication. I also had some wonderful nurses that were heaven sent to help me push her out. The only way I can explain it is one crazy, intense, painful, unbelievable, amazing experience. The minute I saw her was surreal. Our whole pregnancy I couldn't wait to see what she would look like and when I finally saw her I couldn't believe how cute she was... but of course I would think that she's mine.