3:27 PM

Kaylee is only 13 days old yet I feel she is growing up way to fast. Last night her umbilical cord fell off and she has the cutest little inny/ outy belly button. It's crazy how time is so distorted when you become a mom. I look at pictures of me pregnant and it seems like so long ago. Yet it was only two weeks ago. I kind of miss having Kaylee inside of me, don't get me wrong I love her more out here in the real world. Especially when I look over and see her precious little face sleeping. Back to the time warp...sometimes I have to stop and think what day is it? I sleep in 2 to 3 hour increments and day blends into night. It feels like eons ago I was in the hospital pushing for an hour and half wondering when I will get to hold my baby. I can only imagine how it will be from here on out. In a blink of an eye she will be in kindergarten. Then another blink and she will be driving, then still another blink she will be off to college. So I will go with this time warp thing and enjoy every second I have with this bundle of love.

finding no umbilical cord when changing her diaper. She was sad it was gone too.

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