11:06 AM

Yesterday we went to a local assisted living home down the street to do a intergenerational music class. What an amazing experience. Kaylee was such a hit with all the ladies. I decided that this would be the perfect place to wear her tutu that grandma bought her. Well Kaylee in the tutu was REALLY a hit. We plan on signing up for the 10 week class that starts in the fall. Kaylee loved all the dance and music activities and actually started crying when it was over. We even met a new friend. His name is Miles and he is the cutest little boy.

Since Kaylee was 4 weeks old I have been meeting with a group of moms each week that have babies around the same age. Our intentions are that the babies will grow up together and we will continue the play group until they are older and off in school. So far it has just been us women getting together and talking, sharing birth stories, and milestones, and such while the babies sleep, nurse, eat, poop (the usual things babies do). Well today we hit a first. Our babies interacted with each other and we were so excited. It was the cutest thing watching our daughters hold hands and smile at each other. Oh the things that get us moms excited.
Here is Kaylee and her new BFF Nina.

Kaylee had such a good time at the park she konked out on the way home, but still grasping Sophi her favorite toy.

Grandma was here for a week and spoiled Kaylee with a few new outfits, sophie the giraffe, a bathing suit, and a piggy bank. But most of all she spoiled her with love and attention!!!

Kaylee doing tummy time in her new little skirt and tank top.
Kaylee loving Sophie, the miracle teether/ toy from France. 
Grandma could not resist this little skirt/ tutu. She wants Kaylee to be a dancer...but if she's anything like me, the minute she turns 3 she won't want anything to do with skirts and dresses, especially a tutu. So we have to play dress up with her now.

Hmmmm How is it that Kaylee at 3 and half months is already so much like me. For example she sleeps with her mouth open, just like me. 

When she is frustrated she gets REALLY upset and just gives up, just like me. (i.e. when grabbing for a toy and she can't quite get it she screams real loud)
She is all giggles and smiles in the morning and cranky pants at night, just like me.
She gets over shopping real quick, just like me.
I can only imagine how she will be at 3, 12, 16, 18, 21. Boy do I have a fun road ahead of me. 

9:12 PM
10:13 AM

Here they are the Berkeley Maynard Academy Babies. There was a group of us at my work that got pregnant and had babies around the same time. First came Dahlia, then Avi, then Kaylee, and last but not least was Riley. We were each others support and continue to get together and talk about babies. I don't know what I would do with out them. When ever we get together we always enjoy watching them as we try to get pictures. It's the highlight of our day. Enjoy!

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10:57 PM

Tonight I needed a little relaxation so I jumped in the bath while Kaylee was taking her late afternoon nap.  Well I think it's a well known fact that the minute you try to do something, especially relaxing, the baby does something to interrupt the moment. Well Kaylee is no exception. She woke up the minute I layed back and rested my head on the wall. So instead of letting her cry, I let her join me. It was not relaxing, it was better.... it was so much fun. She had a good ol' time in there with mommy, while daddy tried to capture the moment (in a descent way). These were two of my favorite shots he got. 

The perks of having Corey work for a kick ass company. Every 4th of July or close to it they have a big picnic BBQ at Skywalker Ranch. It was tonz of fun! 

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9:36 PM

Kaylee is 3 months old now so we took her monthly photos with mom and dad. She is changing by the second. She now weighs in at 14.3 pounds. That makes her a BIG BABY! She is drooling like crazy. Loves to chew on her hand. She giggles when you kiss her on the cheek. She tries to sit up on her own. She still doesn't like tummy time and doesn't sleep as well as she use to... and I thought I was getting lucky with her sleep patterns. She loves to be outside, sometimes that is the only thing that makes her happy. She has had two road trips in the last month. One down to So Cal and the other to Monterey. She is such a trooper.