Since Kaylee was 4 weeks old I have been meeting with a group of moms each week that have babies around the same age. Our intentions are that the babies will grow up together and we will continue the play group until they are older and off in school. So far it has just been us women getting together and talking, sharing birth stories, and milestones, and such while the babies sleep, nurse, eat, poop (the usual things babies do). Well today we hit a first. Our babies interacted with each other and we were so excited. It was the cutest thing watching our daughters hold hands and smile at each other. Oh the things that get us moms excited.
Here is Kaylee and her new BFF Nina.

Kaylee had such a good time at the park she konked out on the way home, but still grasping Sophi her favorite toy.

1 Response to "It was actually a play date."

  1. jadan Says:

    Hi Weekley family!
    Kaylee is beyond words beautiful!! She has a little bit of both of you in her features :) I finally got to catch up on all of her amazing milestones--reading them reminded me of when Jake and Aidan were that little and how much joy they brought me (and they still do of course!!) I am soooo happy and excited for you and I hope I get to meet her one day and I hope to see you guys soon (maybe Whitney's wedding??) Tell me when you are down here so I can see her (and babysit!)

    P.S. I love love love her rolls and chunks and her adorable smile


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