9:22 AM

Wow a 9 month old and a new decade! Does it get any more exciting then that? Well Kaylee is growing up so fast and trying to be independent but yet still a mama's girl. 

Words she says now: mama, dada, up
ba = ball
bubu= bubbles
da= dog or mushu
T = turtle
and she does a lot of babbling 

Sleep: not going to talk about it because I don't want to jinx it.

Things she loves to do: dance, pound on things like they are a drum, play on her activity table, and hang out with daddy.

Things she doesn't like: baby food with chunks in it and  getting dressed.

We are starting to plan her 1st birthday (eeek it's only 3 months away) I think we are going to do a bunny theme since it's so close to easter. It will be down South so all our family and friends can come and celebrate with us on making it through the first year of parenthood.

Here are our monthly pictures. It keeps getting harder since she loves to always be on the go!

1 Response to "9 months"

  1. jadan Says:

    Oh my goodness how darling are those leg warmers on Kaylee! Such a fashionista already. She is beautiful heather!! This is such a fun stage I love it when they start becoming aware of their surroundings and start to interact with it! I can't wait to meet her and for her 1st birthday!
    Love Joan
    p.s.hello what is up with your stomach! Did you even ever carry a baby in there?!?! You have like abs of steel--mine look like I'm still carrying a baby in it when obviously I am not LOL! Miss you heather and tell Corey I said hello!

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