8:53 PM

Wow what a week it's been. Kaylee spent her 10 month birthday throwing up along with her mommy and daddy. We all caught an awful stomach virus and was down for the count. Luckily only lasted a few days because I don't think I could handle much more of seeing my baby sick. It's so heartbreaking watching them throw up and just looking at you like what the H E double hockey sticks is happening to me. She is much better now and back to her good ol happy self.

A week before she turned 10 months she had another baby well check up. She is now 28 inches long and weighed 20 pounds 4 oz. but then after she got sick she went down to 19 pounds 8 oz. She is still very chatty and likes to try to repeat sounds she hears. She can stand on her own but isn't very confident so doesn't do it very often (unless I make her). She loves to explore and observe her surroundings. She also throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way. I think we might have a flipper Jr. on our hands. We need to tame that right away!!!!

She received her very own iphone without the phone part. She now can watch her baby Einsteins and play with technology without harming ours. I know it's crazy that this is what the world has come to. She also likes to sing into her microphone on her new toy that grandma 48 bought her. She may just be the next American Idol... with a little bit of practice and voice lessons.

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