3:05 PM
He already has a bunch of clothes thanks to both Grammy and Grandpa's and for friends that gave me hand me downs.

How Far along? 21 weeks
Total Weight Gain? My last Dr. Visit a few weeks ago I had gained 7 lbs so maybe by now 8 or a 9 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes because they are just more comfy.
Sleep? O.k. But once Kaylee wakes up in the middle of the night it's hard for me to go back to sleep easily.
Best moment this week? Putting all the baby's clothes away. Also it's been a really relaxing week so far. We haven't done or gone anywhere which is nice. I've been able to watch a movie (The Help) and I've gotten half way through a book I started a few weeks ago.
Miss anything? Yes more then one cup of coffee a day and oysters. We went to an Oyster Farm over the weekend and I couldn't have any. :(
Movement? Yes but mostly at night when I am laying down getting ready for bed.
Food Cravings: Fruity Pebbles and Ice Cream sandwiches
Anything making you queasy or sick? No not really.
Labor signs. Not yet, thank goodness
Gender: BOY!!!
Symptoms: Noting really that I can complain about yet.
Belly Button in or out? Still in for now.
Wedding ring on or off. Still on
Happy or Moody? Happy... I think. Ask Corey he might have another answer for you. :)
Looking forward to: playing with the new lens we got today. 70 -200mm 2.8
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