2:51 PM

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: Still not sure but baby is about 1 pound this week so I know I've gained at least another pound.
Maternity Clothes: Yeap, especially leggings, they are so comfortable right now.
Best moment this week: seeing my belly move when he kicks.
Miss anything? I can no longer sleep on my belly.
Movement: Lots of moving and grooving
Food cravings: ANYTHING that has LOTS of sugar. Chocolate...Yes Please, Ice Cream...I'll take two, Oreos...just give me 10 minutes and I'll finish the package for you.
Anything making you sick? Nope
Gender: Still a boy
Belly button in or out? Almost an outie
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week I've been moody. I've been feeling very anxious and sad (we had some friends lose their 3 month old baby this past weekend). I've been worrying about things that really aren't a big deal. I'm starting to feel better and back to my happy self.
Looking forward to: Celebrating Corey's birthday this weekend. Hopefully that includes lots of chocolate. :)

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