10:27 PM

Miles and Maddie, my niece and nephew, waiting for a doggy treat.

9:43 PM

Blonds have more fun.... or do they? I have decided to go back to my more natural hair color.
I thought it would be a good opportunity to do a multiplicity shot. The problem is I didn't think it out too much and decided to take the picture 5 minutes before I needed to be at the salon. Since I was in a hurry the picture ended up being rushed and a bit blurry. I will definitely be doing another one of these before 365 is over... hopefully it's much better then this one.

7:25 AM

Having fun with Christmas gifts... a boom and umbrella set up for Corey and a new snow hat for me.

4:43 PM

Home sweet home. Although I have my own house and family for some reason my parents house still feels like home. Today we made a 7 hour drive down South to spend the week with my family. One fun toy they have is a 66 corvette sting ray. We had fun playing with it.

4:30 PM

WooWhooo I made it to day 30. The crazy thing is that it's Christmas and at the end of the day I didn't really take many pictures, which I thought I would. So here we are after Kaylee is asleep playing with all her Christmas toys trying to capture a picture for the day. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Santa put a big cheesy smile on your face with all the goodies he brought you.

10:32 PM

Merry Christmas Eve. One tradition we have started is matching pajamas. I really wanted to have family footy pajamas but we could not find any, so the sock monkeys will have to do for this year.

8:03 AM

Christmas Eve eve light looking. Everyone has been talking about this particular house in Rohnert Park so we ventured out and went to see what it was all about. It was like Disneyland and Las Vegas threw up on this house. Kaylee loved it because it had Mickey and Minnie mouse plus an amazing train setup. One photography lesson Corey taught me about this picture is that I should have captured the picture with Kaylee looking the other way. He said I should usually have the subject looking at the larger part of the photo to draw the eye into it. Another photo tip to remember.

Here is a better look at half of the house.
Also today I was super excited to make Christmas cookies with Kaylee. After getting all the stuff out and starting to make them she broke down threw herself on the ground and started crying no no no. She was not into it, so disappointed I put her in her highchair turned on Rudolph and made cookies by myself. She had no problem eating the cookies, in fact I think that is all she ate all day. I also don't think she wanted to make eye contact because she knew I was mad at her.

8:46 PM

Christmas as a kid is awesome...then you grow up and it loses a bit of it's magic...until you become a parent, then Christmas becomes a different kind of awesomeness. Tonight I wanted to capture how parents sneak around on Christmas eve pretending to be Santa while placing presents under the tree and eating cookies and drinking hot coco in order to bring that Christmas magic to their kids. I planned on re shooting this after Kaylee went to bed to get rid of shadows and get some better lighting and try a few other set ups, but since she is sick and refuses to sleep unless I am holding her this is the best it's going to get for today.

10:00 PM

I'm a pisces therefore I love water. It's almost Christmas therefore add cranberries.

9:16 PM

Goodnight Moon. This is one of Kaylee's favorite books right now. I think she even knows it by heart. I actually was setting up a shot to take a picture of my cool new Christmas socks, when Kaylee climbed up on the bed. She sat there and started looking at the book and whispering the words she knew. How could I not capture that moment.

9:13 PM

This was a test shot! After all the other shots this one ended up being the one I liked the best. The shot I had in my head didn't turn out the way I envisioned... that's when I get frustrated and want to quit. We'll see if there is a day 25.

8:20 AM

So after a long day of cleaning, shopping, and taking care of a toddler I was in no mood to take a picture, let alone try to be creative. I walked around the house for about 35 minutes just taking pictures when I really wanted to be watching 16 and pregnant. So finally I just grabbed Corey and snapped some shots. I love this one because I got him to give me a genuine smile. I won't tell you what I said to get it out of him but I'm glad I captured it.

P.S. he finally got a hair cut after 5.5 months.

2:40 PM

These are just the beginning steps of this 365 journey. I'm starting to get excited about where it will take me. I have a lot to learn, but I have a great teacher to help me along the road.

9:04 PM

We had a play date today at the park. It was 37 degrees out and foggy, and I had a blast shooting Kaylee and her friends. There were so many fun shots to choose from. I will post the others on facebook. I picked this shot as my 365 because it is more "artsy".... the others are just plain cute!

8:42 PM

Another busy day leaves me tired and ready for bed. Here is a shot of Kaylee and her pal Xander. They are 2 days apart and have been hanging out ever since they were 3 months old. They share a love for Thomas the train and fruit snacks.

9:21 PM


Damn I want to quit this 365 and it's only day 19! I had an idea for a shot, took it, and hated it. When something doesn't go my way or how I want it to turn out, I usually just give up. The one thing that is keeping me going now is the peer pressure of my husband. He is not going to let me give up. And so here he is peering in on my 365 making sure I keep on trudging along.

9:59 PM

Oh Christmas Tree.... just having a little fun with some Christmas lights.

3:54 PM

Jumper! Corey has some cool jumping shots so I thought I would try one of my own. This one is o.k. Next time I would try to do it without the bench in the shot. You only think of this stuff after the fact. I have a lot of learning left to do.

9:06 PM

My first attempt at street photography. I failed miserably. If you could only see the faces of these modern day santa and Mrs. Clause you would hate Christmas. Anyway I took this shot without looking through the lens, because I didn't want them to see me snap a shot. After passing by this bar in downtown Petaluma I looked inside and the place was packed with punk rock Santas. I should have stopped and just took the damn picture. But I was scared. So one thing I learned tonight is don't let fear get in the way of an awesome shot. Who knows it may not have even turned out, but at least I would have known. Now I'm left with what ifs....

9:05 PM

Kaylee called these Clone Troopers robots and she enjoyed flirting with them. Thanks to daddy's cool job we got to see a special feature of a Clone Wars movie down in the Presidio tonight.

8:37 PM

After days of being cooped up inside because of rain and sickness we finally got out and took a walk. The hills behind our house are lush and green and the sky was a perfect blue. Makes for a good back drop. I was shooting for the first time with a sigma 24 mm 1.8 lens and boy is it a fun one. I wish I could have played around with it more, but an impatient toddler and an energetic dog did not allow it. At least I captured her happy moment.

8:32 PM

Keeping with the Christmas spirit... Ho Ho Ho!!!

8:30 PM

Halloween meet Christmas, Christmas meet Halloween.

7:13 PM

My winter Angel.

8:43 PM

At least once a week I have a dream I'm back out on the ice. I'll admit I'm a little sad when I wake up. Here's to all those hockey dreams...

p.s. I have my Canadian roots to thank for my love of hockey and those white legs!!!

4:34 PM

We went to Downtown Petaluma to visit Santa, but we were 5 minutes too late. So instead momma did a mini photo shoot with Kaylee. She was actually very cooperative today which made it more enjoyable.

8:11 AM

Sent from the North Pole by Santa himself. He's watching to see if Kaylee is being naughty or nice. Kaylee isn't quit into it, but I had to capture our new family member. That is until we have to send him back to Santa after Christmas.

8:21 PM

I am debuting my new toddler clothing line. Designer bubble wrap. Yep I just can't take another bump, bruise, or bleeding from this little one. She may not like it now, but she'll be thanking me the next time she falls.

8:51 PM

Today was a busy day. Singing and playing at Pottery Barn Kids, lunch out, playing with the train table at Barns & Noble, and play group. I didn't have time to think of a shot so here is one I captured of Kaylee enjoying the Gigantic Wooden turkey at the Corte Madera Mall.

7:16 PM

Continuing with the holiday spirit, here are my two girls. I can't believe I pulled this off. Between a hyper dog and a toddler I thought it would be impossible. Well sometimes luck is on your side and the world decides to cooperate. There are so many technical and composition aspects that could be better, but if I would have kept messing with f-stop and shutter speed I would not have captured the pure joy of Kaylee laughing at Mushu being miserable.

7:50 PM

Trimming the tree

10:00 PM

A runner up for the day.

9:59 PM

My own personal SuperMan!

Daily Weekley started out as a blog about my pregnancy and then about Kaylee and all her antics. Well this blog is taking on a new challenge. This will now feature my project 365 . A picture a day for a whole year. Now for those of you that have followed Corey this past year I know have started to get sad because the year is winding down. Well he has passed the torch to me. The sad thing is I'm not a good photographer and I'm not a good writer, so don't expect much from my 365. I half heartedly decided to do this the day after Thanksgiving so when it ends next year I'll be "thankful" it's over. So let the journey begin.

Day 1 of 365
My new friend for the next year, my Nikon D50.

9:06 PM

There are so many things I want to remember Kaylee saying. I keep saying I will write them down and then I never do. So what better way then to blog it.

Today's Kayleeism happened when we gave her apple juice for the first time and when it was all done she said "more more apple goose" we corrected her and said it's apple JUICE. She proceeded to tell us no it's apple goose.

Another funny one was at bedtime we told her to get a book and she wanted us to read " L fint butt" other wise known as "The Gas We Pass."

Stay tuned for more Kayleeisms

It's been awhile since I have updated the blog. Probably because Kaylee keeps me so busy that I am exhausted by the end of the night. 18 months she is now officially a toddler. This is such a fun yet challenging age. She is starting to really communicate with us, which could be mistaken as being very demanding. For example the minute we walk in the door she yells "shoes off" or when we are about to go somewhere she brings our shoes to us and says "shoes on." When she wants a piggy back ride she says "tight" because we always tell her to hold on tight. When she wakes up in the morning she tells us Mouse House so we will put on Mickey Mouse club House so she can do the "hot dog" dance. She definitely knows what she wants and what she doesn't want. It seems as if her favorite word is No. She is attempting to count even though it goes something like this "2, 5,6,9." One of my favorites so far is her pulling down my shirt in Noah's bagels and screaming "boobies." She is full of wonder and I feel so blessed that I can watch her explore the world and everything it has to offer.

So Kaylee is starting to put words together which blows my mind. How did she become so vocal?And it's amazing how much she really understands. I tell her to pick up her toys and she does it. Yes I know that won't last long but I'll take it for now. Every time I try to catch her talking she becomes camera shy so this is the best I got. One day I asked her "how did you do that" and she repeated it. She also says hockey and points to the ice skates in our garage and says ice skates although it sometimes sounds like ice cream. It's crazy how fast they really do grow up.

9:37 PM

Well now that Kaylee is 1 she keeps me pretty busy. By the time I get around to wanting to post something I am so tired. She is walking all around and exploring her world. Which means lots of tantrums when I don't let her stick cords in her mouth or put fingers in light sockets (yes I have baby proofed but somehow she still finds the most dangerous things to play with). She is talking up a storm. Some things she just repeats and other things she really understands. Like today when I was boiling water she kept saying "hot, hot, HOT," from her high chair. Even the doctor was impressed with how much she was talking. 

On a bit of a scarier note she had to have some blood work done at her last drs. appointment. That was both traumatic for me and her. We still don't have the test results back so I am still walking around a bit nervous. The test were to check her hormone levels at least that is what the dr. told me. But once I got to the lab they took 5 vials of blood from my baby girl. Makes me wonder if they are testing for other things that the dr. didn't mention to me. None the less it is still scary to think something may be wrong with your precious little girl. 

She is now 30 inches tall, and weighs 22 pounds 14 oz. Not as chubby as she looks.

Here is Kaylee singing E I E I O
Here is Kaylee saying night night, etc.

Here is Kaylee telling me she wants to eat

9:52 AM

Well Kaylee is trying to walk. She needs the help of a "walker" but hey it's a start.

8:53 PM

Wow what a week it's been. Kaylee spent her 10 month birthday throwing up along with her mommy and daddy. We all caught an awful stomach virus and was down for the count. Luckily only lasted a few days because I don't think I could handle much more of seeing my baby sick. It's so heartbreaking watching them throw up and just looking at you like what the H E double hockey sticks is happening to me. She is much better now and back to her good ol happy self.

A week before she turned 10 months she had another baby well check up. She is now 28 inches long and weighed 20 pounds 4 oz. but then after she got sick she went down to 19 pounds 8 oz. She is still very chatty and likes to try to repeat sounds she hears. She can stand on her own but isn't very confident so doesn't do it very often (unless I make her). She loves to explore and observe her surroundings. She also throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way. I think we might have a flipper Jr. on our hands. We need to tame that right away!!!!

She received her very own iphone without the phone part. She now can watch her baby Einsteins and play with technology without harming ours. I know it's crazy that this is what the world has come to. She also likes to sing into her microphone on her new toy that grandma 48 bought her. She may just be the next American Idol... with a little bit of practice and voice lessons.

9:22 AM

Wow a 9 month old and a new decade! Does it get any more exciting then that? Well Kaylee is growing up so fast and trying to be independent but yet still a mama's girl. 

Words she says now: mama, dada, up
ba = ball
bubu= bubbles
da= dog or mushu
T = turtle
and she does a lot of babbling 

Sleep: not going to talk about it because I don't want to jinx it.

Things she loves to do: dance, pound on things like they are a drum, play on her activity table, and hang out with daddy.

Things she doesn't like: baby food with chunks in it and  getting dressed.

We are starting to plan her 1st birthday (eeek it's only 3 months away) I think we are going to do a bunny theme since it's so close to easter. It will be down South so all our family and friends can come and celebrate with us on making it through the first year of parenthood.

Here are our monthly pictures. It keeps getting harder since she loves to always be on the go!